Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back-to-School Time!

AAAAHHHH!!  Miss ZB starts preschool soon.  Very soon.  This is not okay because it means she is growing up too dang fast!  Doesn't everyone say that about their kids though?  I remember when people would tell me that all the time when ZB was a baby and I would always just think to myself "Whatever.  It's not that fast."  I was so wrong about that.  It seems like just yesterday I was watching her try to roll over on our living room floor and now she can do somersaults and she's got some sassy dance moves.  Too fast, I tell you.

While I may be sad that she is growing up, I am definitely not sad about having a teacher and a class of 8 kids to craft for!  Is it weird that I'm already dreaming of Halloween and what I'm going to do for her class party?  Yeah, I thought so.  Really, I blame Pinterest.  It is a mecca for over-planning freaks like me.

Inspired by this post on Nothing But Country, via Pinterest, I made a little first day of school treat for ZB's teacher, Miss Barb.

I'm super cheap frugal and since I only needed one fish and my printer is not fancy, I just used a piece of tracing paper to trace the fish from NBC's printable (is that wrong? hmm. something to ponder.).  Then I cut the fish out and traced around it on a piece of Goldfish-colored paper.  Finished it up with "Miss Barb, I am o-FISH-ally excited to be in your class this year!  Love, ZB", hole punched it and tied it to a bag of Goldfish crackers.  I'm planning attaching a note from me letting Miss Barb know that I am dying to be as involved as possible, so please use and abuse me as needed.  Except it will be sweeter.

Coming soon: pictures from our playgroup's "School Celebration" party!