Tuesday, July 20, 2010

MTM Swap 2010!

Michelle, the wonderful Muffin Tin Mom behind Muffin Tin Monday, hosted a swap last month and it was awesome! Every Monday, she makes her kids lunches that fit into a muffin tin and she has great ideas and really cute supplies. I've been meaning to try start doing this for months and we seem to never be home in time for me to get a fancy muffin tin lunch ready for ZB. Really, if I just planned better, I could get it done, but I never think about it until Monday at lunchtime.

I was partnered with Jessica G., who blogs at Duck Duck Cow! You can see what I sent to her three munchkins here, because I am lame and forgot to take a picture of everything before we wrapped it up and sent it off.

Our box came last week and ZB just kept saying "I get present!" It was a mini-wrestling match to simultaneously take the wrapped goodies out of the box and keep her from ripping the paper off before I was ready! We definitely need to participate in more swaps - it's always awesome to get to shop for random knick-knacks and it was so fun opening up each little wrapped present.

Our muffin tin care package had:
- individual sized cups of Ranch dressing
- a cup with a built in straw
- a box of colored picks (we do think alike, Jessica!)
- an awesome spiral bound index card notebook to keep recipes in
- princess liners and picks (as ZB often reminds me, "I a princess!"
- Jessica made the cutest picks with brightly colored shapes, perfect for a 2-year-old
- a pack of neon bendy straws
- a box of yummy Annie's Cheddar Bunnies
- Easy Writer food markers

Jessica, thanks so much! We love everything and can't wait to use it all in a Muffin Tin Monday.

Here's ZB at dinner tonight, demonstrating how Easy Writers can jazz up your burrito, and even your mashed potatoes! (Yes, it's a weird combo for dinner. She was eating her leftover burrito and the grown-ups were having potatoes with our dinner and I threw some on her plate.)

Monday, July 19, 2010


When I first started blogging three years ago, it was strictly to keep my parents and in-laws loaded down with pictures of their only grandchild, since we live in different states. It's a blog of full names and just way too much personal, identity-theftable information.

I have no delusions of grandeur here. I'm not aspiring to be the next nienie, P-Dub, or dooce. I just want a space to share things that interest me, and maybe you too, if there's even a you out there reading this.

Thanks for coming along on this ride with me. I hope I don't suck!